¡Hola, mis amigos! kit
We are very excited about the quality of every aspect of the AIM Spanish series ¡Jóvenes en acción!, from the performances on the video and audio material to the content, scope and sequence of the whole-class and partner/group activities. Teachers who have already used these materials are thrilled with the results that they have witnessed with their students within a very short time. They have never before seen such high levels of proficiency, and this within only the first twenty-five hours of instruction!
In the second kit, the story, entitled ¡Hola, mis amigos!, is an original play full of physical comedy, containing characters with emotionally-charged lines that will draw students into the story. Juan is a teenager who receives a visit from a girl named Sonia who invites him to play basketball with her. Since he really wants to go out with Sonia, yet doesn't know how to play basketball, he decides to get some help from his friends. Although their intentions are good, Juan's friends don't give him very good advice and he ends up experiencing numerous mishaps.
Enhance your kit with the following extras:
La cultura en México: Las casas y los deportes- reader
In this book students learn about two unique features of Mexico - popular sports and the style and construction of Mexican homes.The colourful images and playful design of the Las casas mexicanas component of the book are highly appealing. Here, students learn about the unique building materials and how they are suited to the Mexican climate, how Mexican homes are built and their common exterior and interior styles. Furnishings and artwork found in the home are also included in the book. In the second half of the book, students have the opportunity to learn about and reflect upon the similarities and differences between their own popular sports and those about which the Mexican people are passionate. Sports found in this book include: el fútbol, las corridas de toros, el boxeo, el béisbol, and la lucha libre. Important locations, well-known sports figures, and controversial subjects related to sports such as those surrounding la corrida de toros are also explored.
Story: Wendy Maxwell
Graphic Design: Meghan Draper and Richard Palberg
Appropriate for ages: 7-12

¡De vacaciones!- Reader
Two teenagers, María and her friend Susana, are on a trip from their home in Montreal to Dominican Republic. A series of amusing events take place after María bumps into a young man named Pedro at the airport. María's initial reaction to Pedro is not very positive, nor does her second impression of him improve when he accidentally spills water on her during turbulence on the plane. However, he redeems himself at the end of the story during a scuba-diving excursion..
Story: Wendy Maxwell
Translation: Nohra Jacobsen
Illustrations: Ian Fry
Appropriate for ages: 12-Adult