Free AIM Trial Lessons - Spanish

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Transform your Spanish classroom with a limited-time trial of our award-winning methodology. AIM's immersive, interactive, and inspirational techniques help empower students to speak, read, and write in their target language …within hours!

Kit content:

  • 2 lessons and videos designed to help you implement this methodology directly in the classroom.
  • 10-day trial access to our AIM portal with resources, including the Gesture Approach, classroom management tips, target vocabulary, and much more to support your students' learning journey!

To activate your portal access, you'll need to create an account using the unique access code sent to you by email after placing your order. This will allow you to download lessons and watch additional training videos.

If you have any questions, please consider joining our next FREE Information Session to ask Wendy Maxwell, the creator of AIM, and she can provide you with guidance on how to best use the trial kit.

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We solve many of the challenges language teachers face.

Learn about some of the challenges Primary School Teachers face when teaching languages.

The Gesture Approach

The AIM is a methodology that supports students by providing strategies and techniques that ensure student language acquisition and a high level of engagement. The Gesture Approach allows students to visualize, hear, say and 'feel' the language simultaneously, and this results in rapid proficiency development.

A Literacy- and Arts-Based Approach

Through the use of story and drama, songs, raps, and dances, students are moving to the language as they create meaning. Scaffolding and cooperative learning strategies help all students - the shy, weak, and strong - to find great support and success.

High-Frequency Vocabulary

One of the most essential aspects of AIM that ensures student success is the high-frequency vocabulary (Pared-Down Language) that threads throughout every aspect of this methodology. AIM is designed such that each word is repeated extensively, allowing students to develop a strong foundation for language proficiency.

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