La cultura en México: Las casas y los deportes - Reader (minimum of 6)

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Story: Wendy Maxwell

Graphic Design: Meghan Draper & Richard Palberg

Appropriate for ages: 7-12

In this book, students learn about two unique features of Mexico - popular sports and the style and construction of Mexican homes.The colourful images and playful design of the Las casas mexicanas component of the book are highly appealing. Here, students learn about the unique building materials and how they are suited to the Mexican climate, how Mexican homes are built and their common exterior and interior styles. Furnishings and artwork found in the home are also included in the book. In the second half of the book, students have the opportunity to learn about and reflect upon the similarities and differences between their own popular sports and those about which the Mexican people are passionate. Sports found in this book include: el fútbol, las corridas de toros, el boxeo, el béisbol, and la lucha libre. Important locations, well-known sports figures, and controversial subjects related to sports such as those surrounding la corrida de toros are also explored.

You may also find this reader (digital) in our second AIM kit, ¡Hola, mis amigos! where you will discover how to fully implement our accelerative language methodology with your students. In the kit, we provide an explanation as to how to effectively introduce and work with the reader through a Balanced Literacy Approach, including suggestions for both Shared and Guided reading and writing activities.

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Learn about some of the challenges Primary School Teachers face when teaching languages.

The Gesture Approach

The AIM is a methodology that supports students by providing strategies and techniques that ensure student language acquisition and a high level of engagement. The Gesture Approach allows students to visualize, hear, say and 'feel' the language simultaneously, and this results in rapid proficiency development.

A Literacy- and Arts-Based Approach

Through the use of story and drama, songs, raps, and dances, students are moving to the language as they create meaning. Scaffolding and cooperative learning strategies help all students - the shy, weak, and strong - to find great support and success.

High-Frequency Vocabulary

One of the most essential aspects of AIM that ensures student success is the high-frequency vocabulary (Pared-Down Language) that threads throughout every aspect of this methodology. AIM is designed such that each word is repeated extensively, allowing students to develop a strong foundation for language proficiency.

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